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Unlimited Per Week
50$Every weekÂ- Unlimited Reformer and Mat Classes Per Week
- Minimum commitment period of 20 weeks
- Automatically Renews via Direct Debit Weekly
- Refer to T&Cs Page for Class Pass and Cancellation Policies
10 Class Pass
300$ÂValid for 10 weeks- 10 Classes
- 1 per week minimum
- Strictly limited for 10 week period
- Refer to T&Cs Page for Class Pass and Cancellation Policies
- $30 per class offers a flexible and affordable way to attend
20 Class Pass
500$ÂValid for 10 weeks- 20 Classes
- 2 classes per week minimum
- Strictly limited for 10 week period
- Refer to T&Cs Page for Class Pass and Cancellation Policies
- Just $25 per class represents great value
1 hr
Starting at $80ph
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